Monday, March 20

Are you like a crazy person?

So I just got back from seeing V for Vendetta. It may just be the buzz of seeing a fresh new movie but I really enjoyed it. It was directed by the Wachoski brothers (the Matrix films). It currently has 74% on Rottentomatoes, and I would say that is a pretty good rating. Right now, I would give it higher, but I know that is only because of the buzz again.

So basically there are two main characters. V is the creepy guy with the mask. He is well read, flamboyant, intellectual, a man dedicated to freeing his fellow citizens from those who have terrorized them into compliance. He is also bitter, revenge-seeking, lonely and violent, driven by a personal vendetta. He saves Evey, played by the incredibly hot Natalie Portman. Evey uncovers V’s past and becomes his unlikely ally in his quest for revolution!

V is played by Hugo Weaving. He is the guy who played Agent Smith in the Matrix Trilogy and Elrond in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Good movie, actually worth paying the money, which is saying a lot.


The Trick said...

I really enjoyed it too. It was not flawless, but definitely worth seeing. I liked how V was left very morally ambiguous. Like you said, it was easy to sympathize with him, even though his methods are just as extreme as the government he wishes to take down. One could argue that his treatment of Evey was pure manipulation, which is exactly what he accuses their government of as well. Fascinating stuff.

Jay said...

I don't remember last time I watched a movie where at the end, I just sat there and thought "Wow, that was an awesome movie!" V for Vandetta was that type of movie for me. It's the best movie I've seen in a couple of years. It's a very intelligent movie, with just enough action scenes (which are very well done). Natalie Portman does an awesome job as well. She becoming a great actress.