Tuesday, February 7

everyone and their mother

So, there is now one week until v-day and I was thinking, how else could I possibly repulse any potential valentines... I know! Talk about my lack of future!
I have been pondering this dilemma even more the past few days. Basically, everyone and their mother know I have ambitions to be a teacher. This is what I have wanted to do since about grade 10. But now five years after i have graduated, I am considerably closer to that goal, but I am not sure if that is the direction I want to go... Really, I’m just not sure what I want to do. Peter Gibbons (A la Office Space) said that whatever you would do with your life if you won the lottery, that is what you should do with your career. I would not do "nothing" as he chose; I would really like to open a cafe. It is a perfect job for me, coffee is something I am passionate about and I would be around people all the time, which I would love. Does this mean that is what I should do? It really doesn’t seem like much of an aspiration compared to most peoples, and the pay would definitely be not very good. And there is that whole lump of money I have already invested in my university...
What should i do friends?


Grumball said...

I dunno exactly what to tell ya. But the thing I always try to remember when I'm unsure of my aspirations is that the objective of life (for me at least) is to be happy. Therefore, we should do things that make us the most happy.

However, at our age, we have a lot of time to spend finding those things that make us the most happy. Plan for now: get through the education remaining, and then do the job I am currently studying to do. If I am not as happy as I would be as, say, a test driver for Ferrari, maybe I'll go do that instead.

Nova Scotian Copycat said...

"What I do if I had a million dollars? Sleep with two chicks."

I LOVE that movie. Ah.... I havta say I agree with Grum. Gotta do what makes ya most happy. Personally, whatever I end up doing, I'd need to be educated to be happy at it regardless of whether I was a Nobel Physicist or a produce clerk. I'm sure I'd enjoy both, but I would want an education. That's just me.

"Hey Peter, how's it goin'? Um... yeah... I'm gonna havta ask you to come in on Saturday...."

Travis said...

Yeah I agree with you both, and personally, I’m not sure if I need more education to be happy. Really I don’t feel like I have learned anything worth the 20000+ dollars I have spent on my education already. Anything I really wanted to lean I have read about on my own time, I think that is a bad sign. I would rather be educated without a degree than have a degree and not really learn anything useful...

Anonymous said...

Dude, you can coast through life on your good looks and charm:)

Travis said...

Thansk anonymous blog friend!