1. People that say cheers. You know what if you are not British don't say this, it doesn't sound right and you look like a tool. Brits can say this and it is cool, it is there thing that they say, like how we say eh and aboot, but you, you are not cool, you are pretentious.
2. People that say pretentious. This word is WAY over used. Anytime anyone doesn't like something or doesn't understand something, it is pretentious. Gimme a break, Stop saying this you freaking idiots. Just because you come into my cafe and order a coffee and have read one douglas coupland or kurt vonnegut book, you are not the king of all things pretentious, so put your stupid tweed jacket back on and go smoke a bowl.
3. People that order "regular" coffees. Listen up jackass, if i ask you what kind of coffee you want don't say regular. If we had a regular, i wouldn't ask you. just look at the danm signage and pick one. If it sound latino or has the word breakfast or morning in it, that is a mild coffee(for wussies). If it specifies the roast or sounds asia-pacific it is bold. And dont complain about the price, real arabica coffee costs more, if you want gross dollar store coffee go to tim hortons.
4. People with MySpaces. What the hell? Blogs are not new. As most people who visit here know, because the also use blogspot, blogspot rules. Myspace has barely any customization and is full of crappy adds that Micro$oft get paid for. What does MySpace have? i cant figure it out.. Pictures? I can do that here..
Anyways, thats all for now. Here is a photo i have taken recently, 5 pts if you can name the street it is.

I could really relate to this. I had this boyfriend once who went to England for all of ten days and came back sounding as if he had been born there. It was incredibly annoying. He stopped saying "too" and instead said "As well", and he started talking about flats and lifts and tills. It was awful. I had to dump him for that. I also used to have a cat that would balance on the top of the door like that.
I hate people who rant and bitch and moan about other people. The very idea is pretentious and overly judgemental. I thought you NDPers were all about peace, love, harmoney and accepting others for who they are. Cheers!
to quote nova scotian copy cat:
"Being stranded in Halifax by Julie's moron friends is THE worst of 2006. Next time they drive anywhere, I hope they land cock first into a truck load of HORSESHIT!"
"I hate people who rant and bitch and moan about other people. The very idea is pretentious and overly judgemental."
Continuity error? I think so.
I think the comment post has a continuity error in it, itself. Afterall, I was bitchin' and moanin' about people who bitch in moan. It was a jest, of course. No need to bring up horrible, traumatic past events.
too true *hugs dave*
While we are bitching and moaning, I want to whine and complain about Shoppers Drug Mart and it's goddam Optimum Card. NO! I DON'T HAVE AN OPTIMUM CARD. STOP ASKING. And do people who work at fast food restaurants get commition if they sell you a combo as opposed to individual items? I know that the combo is a real "bargain" but I still just want a simple cheeseburger. Is that so much to ask.
I'm going to bitch, moan, whine and complain about you not allowing atom feed. Because you aren't in my RSSReader I never know when you update. You don't expect me to actually type in the address and come all the way here just to check, do you? :)
And, I did your Valentine's quiz. I don't care if my score's not the highest. I rule.
i'm pretty sure that my atom is enabled now(i think it was before)
It's still saying no. Stupid interweb.
Hey, mate!
I have lost my brit accent but I have been raised by brits, and there are lots of briticisms in my speech... ask Shannon how I say "metabolism", or better yet "Liverpool", that's sure to elicit some amusing response (possibly bad mimicry). Out of habit I say "cheers" as a thanks or sometimes a farewell. The question is: do I sound like a prat, and should I concentrate on either: (a) removing the briticisms and becoming fully Canadianized, or (b) reinstating my proper brit accent, which isn't very good, which would seem a little weird to people who've known me for a long time?
PS try this, with a mock brit accent: "Livapyeuwle"
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