Sunday, December 25


Guess what i got for Christmas?

yeah, thats awesome.

i Spent this years holidays at a mish-mash of peoples houses and i must say, it was exausting. I really do love seeing everyone, but boy, hard to take for more than two days at a time.
Other Christmas gift highlights were: Some Shirts, Wine, Tools, lots more tools, FIFA06 for my GC, A cool Einstein Poster, the new decemberists cd, and more tools. It rocked my socks off. Oh yeah, i got socks of course.

My little brother Nicolas got a PSP and i have to say i played around with it and it totally freaking rocks. He got a New Need for Speed game, and the graphics are awesome. Way better than tetris.
Christmas time also means that i can see my father, who lives in Charlottetown. He suffers from a workaholicism, that i find quite a burden. I wish he could make it down here more often (or just move back)

So in the next few days i will be counting down my "Stuff of the Year", So get excited.
Thats all Folks.

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