Monday, October 25


These are a few letters with replys sent into a Hp site.. What a bunch of nuts.


Hello Mr. Emerson,

You are going to hell for your satanistic rituals. You might be sexy but that is no reason to defy GOD. I will laugh at you when you are down in hell eating pineapples and I in up in heaven being sexy.

Wow! I'm sexy and I get free pineapples! How cool is that??


Dear King Arthur,
Why do you hate Harry Potter? I liked your storys a lot until I found out about your rude actions toward Harry. You should learn more about The Boy Who Lived. Try going to

I'll have to check that site out, thanks!

-King Arthur


hey emerson!!!!! HOW DARE YOU compare this stupid movie with jrr tolkiens epic masterpiece?????? you suck the movie of harry potter is a disgrace! it has no point and no feeling behind it so how can you say they are even equal?????????????? LOTR RULZ. u can just go kiss ant orc!

I do have a little thing for ant orcs. *blushes and giggles*


Hello Muscle palace Rupert's mail address it appears not to be being positively. nya The inside inside the cotton 3 all helped the mail does not see anh ass why .... And reply it entrusts certainly . I language ardency maybe too much without ? It peels anyhow and phyey the use method petty egg it lights and it gives. Only is like thatGoodbye

Lather, rinse and repeat. Got it.


ok thats all

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